The well-being of our clients is always at the centre of our actions

Vision & Mission

What you can expect from us and what you can count on!

The mission statement is the foundation of our corporate culture.

Our mission statement sets out the goals and principles that point the way for the entire company. It serves as a guideline for our attitude and actions, and applies to all employees.

At the same time, it takes into account the processes in our company, existing laws as well as ethical and moral standards.

Our vision, mission and values are the elementary components of our mission statement, which serve as the basis for our work.

We strive for long-term relationships with our clients. The well-being of our clients is always at the centre of our actions. We follow our aspiration: Security is our business and our clients can be sure that they have made the best choice with us.

As an independent company within the SIS Group of Companies (SIS), Swiss Security Service personally urges all employees to follow its mission statement and actively participate in the implementation and ongoing development thereof.

The mission statement serves as information for affiliated companies and partners.

Get to know our mission statement and get to appreciate us!