
Well supplied - securely!

Total commitment, because: no safety without energy, no energy without safety!

A stable energy supply is crucial - far beyond the borders of sectors and countries. Extraction, production and distribution of energy are highly complex and extremely sensitive processes.

Usually, outages and disruptions have devastating consequences for people, the environment, the economy, politics and world peace. Due to its immeasurable importance and the high competitive and price pressure on global markets, the energy sector is increasingly exposed to grave danger and is subject to strict security requirements. Countless risks, such as sabotage, espionage, theft, fraud, misuse of sensitive data and terrorist attacks are a constant concern for those involved. The responsibility that this industry bears is almost inhumane.

Drastically minimize your risks by securing a lessening of your burdens and increased efficiency through the involvement of experts: a highly developed security concept with experienced specialists and modern security technology. Individually adapted preventive and operational protective measures ensure secure supply chains, stability, regulated processes and a strong public image.

Protect your resources, structures, facilities - and our world: with Swiss Security Service as your energetic and strong partner!

We will develop a suitable service package for specific security tasks in the energy sector with you.

Please contact us for further information and personal advice.