Industry and production

It is progressing - but safely!

Progress through safety!

All companies in the highly branched industrial and manufacturing sector are concerned for their development, competitiveness, efficiency and economic strength.

If confidential data of customers and employees, sensitive product information and in-house expertise, computer systems and server systems, valuable goods and equipment, or prototypes were to fall in the wrong hands, the consequences would be fatal. The protection of values and assets that are relevant to the company is just as important as the safety of people and the environment. Countless risks and responsibilities of gigantic proportions keep the industry on its toes.

The competitive pressure is great in view of short-lived product life cycles and international markets; the competition never rests. The loss of competitive advantages and public image is particularly serious in such an environment. An effective security concept with experienced specialists and modern security technology significantly minimizes the risks. Individually tailored preventive and operational protective measures ensure an appropriate work atmosphere, smooth processes and a strong public image.

Protect your production, your location and your developments: with Swiss Security Service as your strong partner of the industry!

We will develop a suitable service package for specific security tasks in the industrial and production sector with you.

Please feel free to contact us for further information and personal advice.