Tourism and Hotels

Better hosts, returning guests - guaranteed!

Welcome the world with open arms – safely and securely!

The tourism and hotel industry brings together people from all over the world with an equally diverse range of cultural and individual needs! Well-being, enjoyment and relaxation play a decisive role for both business travellers and private vacationers.

Everyone in the hotel and tourism industry – be it the person in charge or an employee - faces the mammoth task of meeting everyone’s expectations. This industry often plays a decisive role in the public image and economic situation of an entire region, and security and hospitality are the core elements thereof. Hotel and catering establishments, as well as providers of tourist activities, attractions and services, find themselves constantly pressured to create exclusive experiences, in order to triumph over their competition. The growing complexity of risks that accompany these exclusive experiences leads to an uneasiness, which weighs on those involved increasingly.

An optimally integrated protection concept, implemented by discreet specialist who know what is appropriate, as well as sophisticated security technology is indispensable for hotels and tourism companies. Proven preventive and operative measures positively affect advertising, efficiency, create a pleasant working atmosphere and ensure smooth business processes. Satisfied guests appreciate both the protection of their privacy, and safe, relaxed stays, experiences and journeys. It ensures their happy return in the future.

Protect your guests: with Swiss Security Service as a strong partner in the service of the world of travelling and tourism!

We are happy to develop a suitable service package for specific security tasks and corresponding service offers for all aspects of tourism with you.

Start your journey to gaining further information – by contacting us for personal advice!